I raise my hands to Et7A,(William ‘Bill’ III, Sepass) and Halaw (Jamie Commodore- nee Sepass) for their support in facilitating my research by sharing their wealth of knowledge and resources with me. I am thankful for the archival assistance; including the permission for the photographs used in this website provided by Stephen Shurgold of the Stó:lō Library and Archives, and Tristan Evans of the Chilliwack Museum and Archives. I offer thanks to Dr. R. Scott Sheffield, professor of History at the University of the Fraser Valley for his patience and gentle support towards me in my research and the publication of this website, and Koyalemot (Mary Stewart), associate professor at the University of the Fraser Valley for her review on the Halq’emeylem language used throughout this website. A special thanks to K’HHalseten (1845-1943) and the Sepass family, including the ancestral name carriers, K’HHalseten (William ‘Bill’ III, Sepass), K’HHalsetenethó:t (Helen Carr – nee Gabriel), and K’HHalsetenemó:t (Jenna Sepass), who provided me with permission to share and tell his story with future generations, including Julian Jame-Sepass’ generation.
Media Source
Kay-lah Peters and Rosalynn Sepass. Portrait of Julian James-Sepass. December 2019.
Aleeta Sepass is a xwelmexw woman, with Coast Salish ancestors from Sto: lo and St’at’imic (Xa’xtsa). She was born and raised in So’lh Temewx. Currently, she is a fourth-year undergraduate at the University of the Fraser Valley, studying history.